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Run By: Brittany
Since: March 2005




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Blast from the Past

Courtesy of Jared's grandfather, Bill Simrod.

#1 - The Beginning

In the beginning there was the band named Sporos, then came a band called Listen, a short time later the band known as Passerby emerged and finally a band known as Flyleaf evolved.

One of the very first performances by Passerby was on May 4th, 2002 at the FUMC church in Belton, Texas. This event was called The Battle of The Bands, the following bands participated in the contest, Snook, Curbcyde, Passerby, The Grove(Pat Seals bassist for Flyleaf was in this band),Nothing To Lose, and PCFX. When the winner was announced it was Passerby. Their hard work and dedication had paid off. This would be the start of that incredible little rock band from Temple, Texas.

#2 - 'Bio' of Jared Hartmann

Jared has not had a bio on any sites because the story of Jared is far too harrowing for a mere Passerby website. All of the other bios would shrivel up and croak as they roasted in the ultraviolet rays of the saga that is...Jared Boquilus Hartmann. The Passerby folks might get a little antsy at my relaying Jared's tale, but since the rest of the band and the web master decided to sweep the story of the tall, dark guitarist under the carpet like the memoirs of some illicit White House rendevous, I, _________ will shed light on the enigma that is Jared's Bio. Here goes...

It was a dark and stormy night. Carl & Shannon Faye Tucker Hartmann were aboard an ocean liner crossing the Adriatic Sea when a scud missile was test fired into the Hartmann's cabin right at the exact moment that Jared leapt from the womb like a ferret and snatched that Iraqui Telegram right out of the air with his teeth. The newly post-fetal Jared then fell upon the blast, shielding his parents from death and sustaining minor liver damage. He then rose from the cabin floor, caught his breath, and head-butted Carl as they both screamed victoriously. "You are truly a man, this day, son," beamed Carl as he patted his thirty second old son.

Jared looked into his father's eyes, then his doting mothers and after a long silence said, "Give me the car keys. It's time for me to rock." He head butted his tearful parents goodbye as he plunged into the frothing sea, pummeling the crests and billows until he washed ashore at Mustang Island off the coast of Texas, which happened to be the sick-dopest beach in the land. Young Jared lived on the nuts and berries of the deserted beach until Sameer and Pat rowed in, both perched atop an iron lung, whistling a Journey song as they rowed, both considering cannibalism. The spry lads caught sight of Jared, already tall and lean at only a few weeks old. He seemed to be either a good companion or a possible meal, so the two became three; laughing, fishing, Indian leg wrestling, etc. The boys made Mustang Island their home for 17 years until Jared made his first guitar out of sand dollars and dried jellyfish skins. He then composed what would later be stolen and made into the first 3 Rush albums until one fateful day, the 3 starving boys migrated to Temple, Texas and were found asleep in a possum's pouch on James Culpepper's doorstep. The rest, my friends, is history.

#3 - Bio of Lacey Mosley

Lacey was born on September 4th, 1981 and grew up in Arlington, Texas. She received a bass guitar for Christmas when she was 14, and began learning Nirvana and Green Day Songs with her brother who played the guitar. When Lacey turned 16, she moved to Mississippi to live with her grandparents and joined a band in need of a bass player. Eventually she started singing for the band and in order to write her own songs she started playing guitar.The same year Lacey went through a metamorphisis of sorts and went from being an avid atheist who suffered depression and suicidal tendancies, to an outspoken Christian set on telling her story in nothing less than a real way.

She decided to quit the band she was in and started playing by herself with her acoustic guitar but still always felt empty in the music, because her heart was starving for rock.

When she went to visit her Mom in Arlington she ended up staying because a new band was formed. But her heart wasn't in that band either, because it was centered around her acoustic guitar songs. Eventually the band broke up and Lacey ended up moving to Temple, Texas, where she met James Culpepper, who was musician that recently left the band Aidan. James played rock beats to the songs Lacey wrote on the guitar, and the music started forming. Constantly searching for a bassist, the songs couldn't go anywhere without one. One day Sameer and Jared's band Sporos, called Lacey looking for a singer, so she went to practice all excited and things went well. Lacey thought she was in the band until a couple of days later Sameer calls and says, "We are not looking for a singer anymore."

So Lacey cried the rest of the night, and went back to playing with James. Eventually they did hear of a good bass player and around the same time they heard that Sporos broke up. So Lacey called Jared and asked if he could come over and play guitar. Jared said he would and asked if he could bring Sameer to the practice.

Lacey, still wounded from being kicked out of Sporos by Sameer, reluctantly agrees. The next day Jared shows up with Sameer and both of them have guitars and amps. Not quite understanding all of this Lacey asks, "Hey dude, why do you have all your gear?" Jared explains that he only wanted to play if Sameer would too. So Sameer and Jared begin to play with James and put together songs and all the magic was instantly poured into the air. Passerby went through two bass players before they found Pat who made everything all the more magical and a little more scary.

#4 - Passerby Reactions

(a) On Saturday May 25, 2002 and end of school concert extravaganza was held at the FUMC church at 118 north 2nd st. in Temple, TX. Live music featured the following bands,Twelve Stair bail, Eric Paslay, Limit 32, Passerby and the Grove(Pat Seals was still in this band). Pat joined Passerby in the summer of 2002.

(b) On Saturday July 27, 2002 another Battle of the Bands was held at The Door in Ft. Worth, TX. The following bands were competing for the $500 first prize. Designated Johnny, Delancer, O'Doyle Rules, Passerby, Reborn, Running West, Enola, Panacea and Unforgiven. Would you believe the Passerby was again the winner. Could this be the start of something big? What do you think? The bands were judged on originality, musicianship and how many people came to see their band. Each band will have roughly 15-20 minutes to rock your face off and a short 5 minutes for set changes.

(c)Post by Jerron on July 28,2002: I just wanted to say that I was at the battle of the bands last night and Passerby stole the showw. I felt sorry for whoever had to follow that act. Never before have I seen a no-name band rock the house like they did. I was a little skeptical at first with that female singer, but she ended up being my favorite part of the whole show. My only comp;aint was that when I went to but a DEMO THEY WERE SOLD OUT, When will this band play again, I can't wait.

#5 - Ben Moody from Evanescence on Passerby

"I have to tell you, you missed something amazing, though I hope Evanescence lived up to expectations, the prize of the evening was getting the chance to discover a band of enormous talent and energy. If you ever get a chance to see "Passerby" live...do so immediately. you will no doubt be pleasantly surprised. We play with a lot of bands. a lot of whom are very talented, so it is very rare that a band stands out so it is only honestly happened twice where we have just stood there like....damn that's cool. These 2 bands are The Blank and PASSERBY, SEE These BANDS. Quick note...Passerby has s female frontman, I felt obligated to point this out as how if you are reading this, you're most likely partial to that."

Posted on March 5th, 2003 after Passerby had opened for Evanescence at the Engine Room in Houston.

#6 - Promotional Bio of Passerby

Picture a crowded street in New York City. Each face you see hides a different past and a different dream. Each is a person with a unique story that has shaped them into who they are right now. No one is more important than another, only different.

We are all united in our search. It's a common journey of the human heart. Whether we are about to begin, or going through or have come through it-The search for who we are and what purpose we have is our link to one another.

Each member of Passerby/Flyleaf has a story of pain and joy, lies and the ultimate truth, guilt and perfect grace. We share our story with the world, our liberty in Christ will be known to those who are in bondage and the promiseof freedom can be reached by them. We bring the stones of our past hurt along with the testimony of our Salvation to give hope to others who are hurting. We share our journey with everyone.

The road has definitely been fruitful for this young central Texas rock band as they have shared the stage with many renowned acts that frequent the National spotlight.

Acombination of a provocative live show and also a meekness to their existence has made this band full of appeal both to fans and critics alike.

If you have an intrigue for intensity and melody, for passion and inventiveness, look no further. The only way Passerby/Flyleaf would dissatisfy you is if you were looking for a cookie cutter.

#8 - Triple Blast

A Bio That was used on Runt Entertainment Website on May 8, 2002:

Passerby is a Central Texas area rock band from Temple, Texas headed by the melodic vocals of Lacey Mosley flowing through the intricate guitars played by Sameer Bhattacharya and Jared Hartmann, with the pounding rhythm section of Pat Seals on the bass and James Culpepper on drums. Passerby has a remarkable capacity for invention

Here is another Bio from 9-7-2003, when they were still Passerby.

From the minute they step on stage, you understand that Passerby is more than a 30-minute rock show, they are 5 spirits pushed to the edge by passion, united by struck chords and unleashed in a fury through emotion. Intensely profound lyrics combined with exotic melodies, driving their music into the atmosphere and into the listener's head forcing repeated attendance in your thoughts.

Comprised of lead singer Lacey Mosley, guitarists Smaeer Bhattacharya and Jared Hartmann, bassist Pat Seals and drummer James Culpepper. Passerby insists on erasing the word mediocrity from their craft. Both physically and sonically, their stage show unfolds into a whirlwind of contrasting extremes, twisting a whisper into a battering ram and back again. This is the sum total of all their dedication and devotion to their music performances.

This is a post from Edward H. Mumsey of 7-13-2004 after a show at Bum's Bar in Temple, Texas.

All I can say is that Iv'e attended almost every show the Passerby has played except in Florida and the last New York City show. I also missed the Beaumont, Texas show. I never get tired of watcing them, every show is different. The memorable one for me was at Camp Penial youth camp in Marble Falls where Lacey gave her Testimony. The most exciting one was at Bum's in Temple when Pat knocked Jared off the stage and he landed between the wall and the speaker and he kept on playing and did not miss a beat. He was squished into a corner, but some nice fan pulled him out and put him back on stage and I ame sure his Mother breathed a sigh of relief.

#8 - First Foreign Fan

This is 2 posts from the first foreign fan, Brenda from Keflavik, Iceland:

July 10th, 2003 (Brenda-sugar017@aol.com), I have seen you guys play in Texas before when I lived there...now I live in Iceland...you guys are great...and you are very interesting individuals...I went to church t Bethel Assembly of God in Temple, Texas for a while...I believe I have the 3-song demo...I would like to hear some more of you guys. I have played some of your music to my British and Icelandic friends here...they love the sounds and style of you music...keep rocking and do what you love.

October 11th, 2003 from Brenda in Keflavik, Iceland-I have been visiting in Temple, Texas and it was nice that I got to see you guys play while I was there, you have awesome energy, so now I will be at Manchester, England going to school. I will continue to share the Passerby CD with everyone. Take Care, Love Brenda.

Here is an amazing post from Ernest Bourgeois fro Houma, Louisiana on December 9th, 2003.

I think you all have a great band. I did not know about you all until I met some people at The Cancer Treatment Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I did not take the CD out of my head phones for the three days I was there. I just wanted to tell you that it is great to see young people seeking God for so much and using the talent that He gave you. God bless you and I hope that you all get a record deal so that I can get all your CD's in Houma, Louisana.

#9 - Message Board Posts

Here is a post from Christina(known as Prayforpasserby and a loyal and devoted fan of the band)

Hey guys... I drove all the way from Dallas, Texas and caught only the last 30 seconds of :"Cassie" when you played at Bethel Assembly of God in Temple, Texas on December 23, 2003. Thanks to Gabe Colbert from Runt Entertainment fro the free T-shirt of Passerby. God bless you guys and the diligence you display with your music. I know the Lord will honor you as you seek to honor Him.

Here is a post submitted by "Believing In Belton, Texas" on December 17, 2004:

Breathe Today is a signal commentary on 2005 angst and offers a compassionate message o hope for the nauveau-nihillist of generation www,bornafter1983, who cares. Living in the "now" identifying and facing truth, and transcending limits of physical humanness are poetically pronounced within the pounding rhythms and tones of the instruments. The angelic pleadings of Lacey's voice, and the claustrophobic and caustic video crams an urgent message of compassion for those of us who ponder ou purpose in life. Refleced from the words and images is an ironic and heroic statement of hope and victory over a sense of hoplessness wich haunts our hearts.

#10 - 07/03/2004 Story by Bill Simrod

This is a story written By Bill Simrod on 7-3-2004. This is a challenge to all Passerby/Flyleaf fans to write a story using the names or lyrics of their songs. Here is my story.

Once upon a time in the very beginning LACEY heard that AMY SAYS that the OCEAN WAVES of RED SAM'S LIFE has been a series of BROKEN WINGS. JAMES replied, SO I THOUGHT, I woule not be s SLEEPWALKER. I BELIEVE IN DREAMS. JARED said, the WHISPERING FINGERTIPS of all our experiences will leave our mark upon everyone. PAT did not care to be just a PENHOLDER, so he tells his DEAR BEST FRIENDS about he good news of LIFE. The AUTHORITY we have will prevent CHAOS in our lives. SAMEER knows the LIFE we have been given allows us to BREATHE TODAY.

We are SORRY(I'M SORRY) that we have been GUILTY of not realizing the SUPERNATURAL ability that we have been given. The SORROW of LIFE has taught us to be kind and gentle to everyone.

As CASSIE has expressed, I WILL SAY YES, I BELIEVE. We will try harder not to be just another uncaring PASSERBY.

The FLYLEAF of our lives is a blank page, let's fill it with LOVE, HONOR and RESPECT for all that has been given to us.

Blessings to all. now it is your turn to write your own story.

#11 - Story #2 by Bill Simrod

Story #2 Using names of Flyleaf Songs by Bill Simrod on 5-25-2007: How many of you can write a story using songs and lyrics of Flyleaf songs,

I am blessed that I have EYES TO SEE that we do not live in a PERFECT WORLD. I'M SO SICK of this fallen and sinful world that we live in. ALL AROUND ME are signs that we are not getting proper JUSTICE AND MERCY. We would like to be THERE FOR YOU, but some of us have a TINY HEART and re too MUCH LIKE FALLING apart spiritually. AGAIN I am wondering HAVE WE LOST our way. We need to become FULLY ALIVE to all things that need to be done to make a better world. TINA, for example, thinks that we are OKAY if we respond to the poor, the needy, the helpless and the homeless. May the FLYLEAF of our lives help us to not be just a helpless PASSERBY.

Blessing To All, Bill Simrod

#12 - Lacey Describes Band Practice Area

A Post From Lacey about where the band Practices: Posted by Lacey on 7-11-2004

Our practice room is pretty much a garage, with carpet all over the walls and these foam blocks up in the ceiling. We have a poster of our friends, Greatness in Treagedy duct-taped to the wall beside a small black punching bag that hangs above Sameer's 1986 Marshall 2555 amp. Sameer rocks out right in front of the washer and dryer, stomping on a bunch of pedals and using his cello bow on the strings of his Robin guitar. James' Tama Star Classic Birch drum kit sits on an old oriental rug decorated with thousands of small pieces of wood that fly off his Vic Firth 5A drum sticks while we play. I usually stand by the door in the corner where we keep the mop, broom and our collection of Grocery sacks from HEB Grocery Store. I sing through a Shure Beta 58 that sits on a vintage microphone stand James bought me for Christmas the year before last. He painted the bottom of the stand a dark red because maroon is my favorite color. Jared stands besilce me in front of a stack of containers full of James' little sister's old doll clothes. He plays a PRS mostly, through a Mesa Dual Rectifier and has a bunch of pedals. Pat and his Fernandez Bass have the biggest space next to Jared. Pat acts almost as creazy in practice as he does during our live shows. The circle is completed by a deep freezer full of frozen fish someone caught probably a year and a half ago. 14-year-old Lucy(James' deaf Chihuahua)often comes to our practice and sleeps right beside the kick drum. So here is an idea of our practice room, Not too fancy, but still inspirational enough to keep writing in it. Love Lacey

#13 - Post from Brittany

This is a post from Brittany(Founder of Flyleaf Online) on March 5, 2005: Last night I took a chance and emailed the Flyleaf band. I got a response back today, which really surprised me. Lacey is really a sweet girl, and she is very down to Earth. I wrote her about the song Cassie, and the effect the song had on me, and a few other things. It is quite uplifting to have her respond so positively to my email. Here is what Lacey wrote: Thank you so much Brittany. I know you could have kept all that to yourself, but the fact that you took the time to write us about such a great thing is so important and special to us. We check emails as often as we can just to read one like yours and I'm so happy right now. You have made my entire day. I guess what you said is so beautiful to me because I used to be an atheist too, and didn't change my mind until I was 16 and experienced something supernatural first hand. When I started to investigate whether this was really an experience from the GOD of the Universe, I just kept getting confirmation over and over and the more I studied the more I was convinced. So when I write a song the objective is to be honest and transparent and hopefully to make someone feel less alone and ultimately to make someone think deeply. So you can imagine how high I feel right now because of what you said. Thank You!!! Love, Lacey.

#14 - Lacey on the Spirituality of the Band

11-4-2004-A response from Lacey when someone asked her about the spirituality of the band, Here is what she said-I really appreciate your concern for the spiritual well being of the band. Thank you for supporting us by buying a CD and keeping us in your prayers. Our music is for everyone, not just Christians. We are sensitive about alienating someone by making them feel like just because they don't share our faith, they can't listen to our music,1st Corinthians 12:12-31 talks about how everyone has a different purpose. Maybe the place where you were, you were supposed to shake off the dust from your feet and we were supposed to come back and show love. We will always walk through the doors that God opens for us and be humbled and thankful. We will do our best to be who God wants us to be. He has brought us this far with the mentality that we have maintained from the beginning. Our mainds and goals have not chnaged and we will continue to love the way God has taught us to love. Love, Lacey Mosley.

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