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Breaks Your Knees
Breaks your knees and leaves you so
The sun can burn you up and wear you out
It's an angry summer
There's no room to smile
When the face you make just before you cry
Looks so young like a child
The sun will set on this my dear
Your labors aren't in vain
You're blistered and you're burned from it
Your wounds are gonna heal
Life on earth will end for all conceived
And prove to be only a breath,
A mist, a womb for what's to come
How soon forever arrives
The sun will set on this my dear
Your labors aren't in vain
You're blistered and you're burned from it
Your wounds are gonna heal
Steadfast my love
The end is near
Just keep your eyes ahead
Grab hold of me
I'll help you there
You're never on your own
You're never all alone
Life on earth will end for all conceived
And prove to be only a breath,
A mist, a womb for what's to come
How soon forever arrives
Breaks your knees and leaves you so
The sun can burn you up and wear you out
It's an angry summer
Don't look at the past again
The first and last has made everything new
And you are too
So lift your head
And let your story be told
Life on earth will end for all conceived
And prove to be only a breath,
A mist, a womb for what's to come
How soon forever arrives
The sun will set on this my dear
Your labors aren't in vain
You're blistered and you're burned from it
Your wounds are gonna heal (forever arrives)
The sun will set on this my dear
Your labors aren't in vain
Life on earth will end for all conceived
And prove to be only a breath,
A mist, a womb for what's to come
How soon forever arrives