Welcome to FlyleafOnline.com, the longest running and largest fansite on the net for the band Flyleaf! We aim to bring you the latest in news, tour dates, media, lyrics, info... pretty much everything. And we do it often. So if you think youÂ’ve seen everything Flyleaf? Think again. WeÂ’ve probably posted something new by the time you refresh the page.

Run By: Brittany
Since: March 2005




Flyleaf LP
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Memento Mori
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New Horizons
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Chart TW LW Peak
Top Christian Albums 18 18 1
Hard Rock Albums 23 22 2


FlyleafOnline.com is not run by Flyleaf, their management or family. I'm just a fan running a fansite to honor and support Flyleaf. Please forward your emails to the appropriate contacts.

All original graphics and content ©2005 - 2022 to Brittany unless stated otherwise. If you would like to reuse content on your website, please contact me first. Thank you!

Beautiful Bride

Unified diversity
Functioning as one body
Every part encouraged by the other
No one independent of another
You're irreplaceable, indispensable
You're incredible
You're incredible

Beautiful bride
Body of Christ
One flesh abiding
Strong and unifying
Fighting ends in forgiveness
Unite and fight all division
Beautiful bride

Strengthen your arms now
Train your fingers for battle
Urgency's here now
Train your fingers for battle
Fighting this violence
With your feet wrapped in peace
Sad tears and silence
Now screams of joy

Chorus x 2

We're not gonna fall and forget
How far You went to pick us up
If one part's hurt the whole body's sick
If one part mourns we all mourn with Him
Rejoice, we'll sing with you
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

All content ©2005-2014 to Flyleaf Online unless stated otherwise.

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